By now I'm sure even the most average NBA fan has seen LeBron's pregame ritual of taking pictures of his teammates before tipoff..right? Well if not here are a few clips of King James getting his troops fired up. This has sparked some uneccesary controversy from the likes of Charles Barkley (not the biggest LeBron fan) on whether or not this should be acceptable as a pre-game ritual. Also, its worth mentioning that LeBron still does his signature "powder toss" in front of the scoring table as well.
Now, the Great Shaqctus has taken it upon himself to openly challenge LeBron to a pre-game celebration contest in which the fans will judge the winner. Here is a clip of what Shaq and the Suns came up with the other night verses the Wizards.
Shaq Goes Bowling
The Big Aristotle says that LeBrons intro is "weak" and that he has an unlimited array of ideas that he will be unleashing if King James accepts the challenge. I'm not sure who will be the winner but I know Shaq is a pretty creative guy, especially after seeing the 300 pounder transform into a Jabawackee.
So who do you think will win the contest? My vote is for Shaq. He's a seasoned vet with more experience in getting the crowd involved.

Heres a few more pictures to help you decide who is more entertaining, and remember this is pre-game only.
Agent 34
the bench was off the chain durin the blowout to the mavs today.... they was like the side show lol